Citat: Between 2003 and 2006 Olaf Otto Becker travelled almost 4000 km along the West Coast of Greenland on his own, in a small dingy. The sole purpose of his trip was to portray this coastal region with his 8 x 10 inch large format camera. Olaf Otto Becker reached the 75th Northern degree latitude of Melville Bay in his little boat. Similar to a 19th Century painter Becker portrayed the landscape, accentuating its silence, melancholy and the sublime of a land known only to few. Similar to an explorer, Becker’s work is pervaded by the desire to find that which lies beyond the merely visible outer layer.
4 April - 24 May 2008
Galerie f5,6
Ludwigstr. 7, Munich, Germany
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Cal cu domnisoara


Despre cai stiu ca au patru picioare, o coama lunga sau scurta, apareau in reclamele la tigari, calariti de acel barbat care a murit de cancer, mananca iarba, frunze, mere si morcovi, daca le dai in palma intinsa sub bot. Dorm in picioare –asa se spune – uneori rad (i-am vazut eu), merg la galop, trap, sar in doua picioare si se tavalesc pe pajiste atunci cand e soare si boschetii sunt plini de buburuze; au potcoave peste copite, unele care clampanesc pe asfalt, fac tropa-tropa-tropa si obisnuiesc uneori sa apara pe camp, atunci cand e ceata, cu spinarile lucioase si urechile umede.
Lipitanii au inaltimea intre 157-167 cm, cap uscativ cu profilul usor berbecat ce se lipeste de trup printr-un gat musculos si curbat ca de lebada, asa spun enciclopediile, de acolo stiu si eu, pentru ca n-am fost niciodata cu centimetrul de croitorie dupa mine, la herghelie, nu, n-am masurat lipitani si nici nu-mi doresc.
In povesti, toti Feti Frumosii au parte de cai hraniti cu jaratic, pe ici si colo apar si unicorni, in Dumas – tatal muschetarii se avantau in lupta pe armasari negri si albi, fara de stea in frunte, iar in serialele TV amazoanele cu sutiene de piele si fuste scurte se cocoata pe spinarile iepelor, ridicand sabiile in soare si tipand la fel ca indienii din filmele cu Winnetou. La mine in cartier sunt cai; ii vad mai ales noaptea cum stau in mijlocul soselei, luminati de faruri. Soferii claxoneaza furiosi, sunete ascutite, repetate, cei doi armasari albi si iapa maro se dau din drum incetisor, molcom, cum s-ar feri din calea mustelor. Raman pe trotuar, sub felinar, si ma privesc plictisiti. Undeva pe dulap pastrez volumul Povestiri Istorice pentru somii patriei si pionieri, si din cate imi amintesc, pe coperta este desenat Stefan cel Mare, calare. Sau Mihai Viteazul.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Child of the Depression
by Sallie Naatz Bailey
Citat: This is about growing up in Syracuse, New York during the Depression years. It's a much expanded version of what I had previously posted as a blog - with many more pictures from the era.
by Sallie Naatz Bailey
Citat: This is about growing up in Syracuse, New York during the Depression years. It's a much expanded version of what I had previously posted as a blog - with many more pictures from the era.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Michael Cross
Citat: The Bridge is a series of steps which rise up out of the water in front of you as you walk from one to the next, and then disappear back underneath behind you as you go, leaving you stranded with only one step visible in front of you, and one behind. The bridge ends in the middle of the water, where you find yourself totally isolated and cut off from the shore. You return the way you came. The mixed feelings of peace, isolation, relaxation and fear that the piece elicits are powerful.
Citat: The Bridge is a series of steps which rise up out of the water in front of you as you walk from one to the next, and then disappear back underneath behind you as you go, leaving you stranded with only one step visible in front of you, and one behind. The bridge ends in the middle of the water, where you find yourself totally isolated and cut off from the shore. You return the way you came. The mixed feelings of peace, isolation, relaxation and fear that the piece elicits are powerful.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yoshiyuki Iwase
Yoshiyuki Iwase 1904-2001.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
La pagina 56
La pagina 56 (Copiii tristi, Roger Nimier, editie aparuta la Editura Paralela 45), Oliver se uita la portretele tatalui sau mort, fotografii "pline de melancolie ca niste suveniruri de amor". Inainte, scriitorul ne-a dat de inteles ca acest parinte fusese pe cand incă mai traia un "visator" si-un "lenes", asa ca pozele de buna seama ca asta aratau, chipul unui barbat moale ca o bluza de bumbac ori ca un fular de lana, cu ochii cascati a uimire. Asa imi imaginez. Cateva rânduri mai departe, ni se spune ca Olivier dorea sa-si cunoască mama "la fel de bine ca pe o fotografie". Pentru a-si atinge telul ii pandea fiecare gest, pana si felul cum zambea si cum isi dadea capul pe spate. Este vorba despre o femeie frumoasa cam la 35 de ani, care avea s-o sfarsească terciuita printre sfaramaturile unei cladiri ce-a fost bombardata candva pe la mijlocul cartii (parca) sau mai bine spus in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial (sigur).
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Copaci imbracati cu pulovere
sau cu sosete:
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Pustii lui Yoshitomo cu bomboanele lui Torres
Din capul locului trebuie sa spun ca am o parere tare buna despre cei care mesteresc covoare din bomboane. Totusi e adevarat ca doar in copilarie as fi apreciat cu tot sufletul (si papilele gustative) lucrarile de arta contemporana din dropsuri, si asta daca m-ar fi dus cineva in galeriile unde se petrec astfel de minunatii. La mine in oras (Brasov) nici vorba de asa ceva, nici pe atunci, nici acum. In 1991, la Williams College Museum of Art, americanul de origine cubaneza Felix Gonzalez-Torres a expus un astfel de covor format din aproape 40,000 de bomboane impachetate in ambalaj argintiu.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Rare photograph, Helen Keller with her teacher Anne Sullivan
Researchers have uncovered a rare photograph of a young Helen Keller with her teacher Anne Sullivan, nearly 120 years after it was taken on Cape Cod. The photograph, shot in July 1888 in Brewster, shows an 8-year-old Helen sitting outside in a light-colored dress, holding Sullivan's hand and cradling one of her beloved dolls.
By MELISSA TRUJILLO, Associated Press Writer
By MELISSA TRUJILLO, Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Yoshitomo Nara


Yoshitomo Nara, born 1959, Hirosaki, Japan.
Citat: TO ADULTS, childhood seems like an idyllic existence free from worry and care, but to children, nothing happens fast enough. Trapped in a continual state of restless waiting, they squirm furtively at the dinner table or kick the back of your movie seat. Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara's depictions of precocious children and benevolent dogs present childhood as a paradox of perfection and boredom. Suspended in a state of arrested development, his figures are caught somewhere between nostalgic innocence and youthful impatience. By Sharon Mizota
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Untitled (Placebo), 1991
Interview with Felix Gonzalez-Torres by Robert Storr.
Untitled (Placebo), 1991
Interview with Felix Gonzalez-Torres by Robert Storr.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
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